Important to know these words befor reading the story
AHT : Average handle time( average time am in the call)
Bamboo session: ( The manger will take you to his cabin and give feed back )
Bamboo session actually means putting bamboo in to the ass.. now u know what is feed back
Monday 4 am its my fourth call of the day. My
AHT is no where in track. I used to be
sachin tendulkar in the metric list, i had a AHT of 111 mins the previous day. The floor AHT was 21 mins.
beep beep..... (There is only 3 beeps, if u dont pick it, next day you will have a
bamboo session)
Me : Fuck man .. i haven't complited the last call entery. ( I had to send a hard disk to a customer, my last call AHT was more than an hour)
I picked the call
Me : Thank you for callin.......................... how may i assist you ...?( i swear she dint understant a single word)
Client : hellooooooo....(a small girl of age 5 or 6 ) I have a problem in the computer( think of a small girl talking)...
Me : What happend ? ( even i started to talk in a kiddish tone)
Client : Are you making fun of me.........?
Me : Nooo... Can i have the service tag of the computer ( special identification number for every computer.. a sticker behind the CPU)
Client : WHAT.......
Me: Service tag, there is a sticker behind the tower which will contain your computer service tag..
Client : Wait a sec...(In the Background) : Jhon can u see a sticker behind the tower. Jhone is laughing no no.... both r shouting at each other.
They start fighting and some one presses the HOLD butten, hold music starts. Its already 10 mins in the call and i had not taken the service tag also.
Client: Sorry my younger brother is fighting. Jhon get lost....
Me : Its ok, did u find the service tag ?
Client: No......... in a sad tone.
With out service tag i was not suppose to troubleshoot, but this girl couldn't find it at any cost. Its already 15 mins in the call.
Me: So what has happened to the computer ?
Client : Don't know, I don't like it.
Me: Ok. Not to worry, i will definitely assist you, just let me know what exactly has happend ?
Client : My friend had taken the computer, she brought it today.
Me: Ok
Client : I put the plug to the socket. I on the computer. The computer started.
Me : Does it work properly ? Do u see Lights on the tower.
Client : Dont know. I will do it again.
Me: Ok
Client : I put the plug, Switch the computer on, ya ya i see lights on the tower.
Me: Can u see any thing on the screen .. monitor ?
Client: Yes.. lots of thing written.
i was praying god " Please god let it not be a BLUE SCREEN ERROR (it takes 30 mins to fix for sure) .
Me: Is it black or blue screen ( god please Black)
Client: hum.................... black.
Me : OK Ok . what do u see next.
Client: Weedozzzzz
ME: Windows...? ( now i know that she doesn't know to read)
Client : Ya ya.. then loading.....
Me: Ok, what next
Client: There are lots of thing on the screen.
Me : Its icons, It should be on the screen. So what is the issue, the computer is working fine.
Client: NO NO........... I don't like the hairy monkey on the screen.
Me: Hairy monkey.......?
Client: Ya. I had flower before. Now i see a hairy monkey, i dont like it. change it for me.....
I started laughing. Its been 40 mins and i dont have the service tag and this girl issue wants to change the wallpaper....... !!!!!!!! Freeeeeeeeeeek
Client: Are you making fun of me? ( even jhon is laughing behind) Stop it jhon.
Me: ok ok. I will do that. Right click on the mouse.
Client: Where to click ?
Me: On the hairy monkey ( she is happy... as if am killing that monkey)
Client : ok i see something now, Anage by Icn, reffers....
Me: What is the last option.
Client : Proporooties...( jhon is laughing agian)
Me: Ok click, can you see another window.
Client: ya
Me: Click on the option desktop.
Client: ok
Me : Can you see some picture there?
Client: ya.
Me: Click on it. what do u see now ?
Client: A naked man.. sheeeeeee...
Me: Click the next picture.
Client : a blue whale.. waw... i want this.
Me: ok click apply.
Client: Apppyyyy..?
Client : A P P L Y.
Me: Is the monkey gone.?
Client: She is very happy YA YA( She is happy as if we both had killed the monkey and eating monkey kabba )............. Jhon is also laughing.... He started pulling the phone.. Thank god the call got disconnected..
Its been 1 hour in the call, no service tag, no name. Even dont know the brand of the computer.
Me: Funny people mancha........ Bugger lets go for a break.......
Nithin: Wireless Issue da...... gone .
Me: Ho ho ........